Booty, John E

The Church in History - New York Seabury Press 1979 - 297p - Church`s Teaching Series ; 197900ENGGPS3 .

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The importance of church history for ourselves and for the community .....1 Why study history Why study church history? An anglican perspective The plan of this book 2. The christian community: The body of christ, an evolving institution ......18 Ignatius of Antioch and the beginning of the church in history The chicago-Lambeth quadrilateral and the visible church The gospel, the scripture and the rule of faith creeds and councils Episcopacy and the christian community Liturgy and sacraments: The worshiping community The church and the four essentials in the middle ages The sixteenth century church of England and the quadrilateral The holy community adapts to a new place in a new time 3. Renewal and reform: Behold i make all things new .....74 Thomas cranmer and reform of church and society Renewal and reform: A persistent theme Monasticism and reform from the early church to the middle ages Reform, the pelagin controversy, and st augustine Two ways of reform in the middle ages: Pope gregory VII and st. Francis Renewal and reform in the 16th century: Luther and erasmus Renewal, reform and the english reformation Reform in the 18th and 19th century church of England Reform in America and in the protestant episcopal church 4. Church and culture: Christ and caesar in tension .....135 F.D. Maurice and christ transforming the world The church in the world: The necessary interaction Persecution and martydom: The first phase in church-state relations From constantine to justinian: Imperial control of the church The midddle ages: Church above state in an hierarchical society Renaissance and reformation: The age of royal supremacy Christianity and the secular state: From the 17th to the 20th century Church and society : The social gospel in America 5. The mission of the community: To every kindred and tongue .....191 Charles henry brent and the nature of mission Mission: Christ and the church From christ to justinian: the first expansion of the church The middle ages: Barbarians and crusades The expansion of europe: The beginning of modern missions The great century of protestant mission: 1789-1914 Twentieth century challenge: repentance and renewal The ecumenical movement: That they may be one 6. The church in history: Concluding reflections .....250 Four themes and four issues Four themes and one person: Janani Luwum

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