Compton, Madonna Sophia

Sophia-Spirit -Mary Sergius Bulgakov and the Patristic Roots of a Feminine Spirit - Massachusetts Raphael Group & Associates of St. Julian of Norwich 2015 - 259p

includes index and biblioraphy

Breath of the Wisdom of God : Grasping at Images of Spirit ........23 Origins of the Sophia Tradition ...........42 These two hands: The dyad of logos and Spirit and Bulgakov`s Kataphatic Response ............87 The burning bush and the living sanctuary ..........117 The vita of Mary by St. Maximus and Bulgakov`s Pneumatophore ............134 The logoi, the Energiese, and Sophiological Panentheism ..........156 The holy spirit, The spiritualization of Matter, and the Matter of the big Bang ..............181 The sophia angels in Russian Iconography ............213 Why do you stand looking up at the heavens?.....................239

9781497326057 1264

C27.5 / C739