Talbert, Charles H

Matthew: Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament - Michigan Baker Book House 2010 - 376p - Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament .

includes index and biblioraphy

Birth Narratives ........28 Jesus`s Ministry begins ........49 Jesus begins to fulfill all righteousness................51 Jesus calls disciples to seek God`s Righteousness................70 2. Jesus`s Authority is Revealed ......107 Jesus`s Authority is Manifest in his mission .......109 Jesus`s Authority enables disciples mission .......................128 3. Jesus`s Ministry creates division ................141 Jesus encounters a Divided response.................143 Jesus reflects on the divided response .............162 4. Jesus focuses on his Disciples .............177 Jesus`s Disciples understand more.........179 Jesus`s Disciples understand even more .......201 Jesus tells disciples how to relate to insiders and outsiders ...............214 5. Jesus and judgement .........229 Jesus teaches about household behavior...........231 Jesus pronounces about judgement in the present .............245 Jesus teaches about final judgement ............264 Passion and resurrection narrative ............282

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