Pachuau, Lalsangkima

World Christianity A Historical and Theological Introduction - Nashville Abingdon Press 2018 - 247p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Introduction : World Christianity and its Studies world Christianity as a phenomenon .............1 The discovery and the study of world christianity ..........5 The world of world christianity ..............16 2. Modernization, modern mission, and world Christianity .........23 Western enlightenment, modernization and the making of world christianity ..............23 The enlightment ..........24 The significance and limits of the modern missionary movement in the making of world christianity ............30 3. Christian movements in the majority world ..................41 Latin america ..........43 Africa ................53 4. Christian Movements in the majority world :Asia and the pacific Islands ........63 5. Contextualization, contextual Theology, and global Christianity ..................91 6. Contextual Theologies in the majority world ............111 7 Christian mission in the New world of Christianity ...............143 Missions from the majority world ........150 Asian Missions - Stories from south and northeast Asia ...........154 African Missions- A nigerian Example ...........163 Latin American Christian Missionary outreach ...........171 Comibam and the the new missionary movement in Latin America ..............173

9781426753183 2624

C43 / P118